Profile not Found

To be published in the YogaTrail directory, your profile needs at least 10 followers. Why does it work that way? To make sure the directory contains only active, quality yoga providers. Vetting profiles is handled by the community in a simple way: with followers.

Simply  invite your students to follow you, and when you hit 10 followers you'll be automatically published. Easy!

Your classes and events are however visible in the search results regardless of how many followers you have. 

Any profile with a paying subscription is automatically published. ( More info here).

If you do have 10 followers but still can find yourself in search results, please make sure you're searching for yourself with the exact spelling (our search is only by exact match), and also make sure you're using the 2 search fields appropriately (one is only for location, the other only for name):

When looking at search results please also make sure to click on the right tab, as search results are organized by categories:

If all the above still doesn't give you any results, please let us know! 

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